Thursday, October 25, 2012

Expression of love I am

The ego is a beggar and it’s begging for love constantly. The realization is to see I am the source of love, and that you can never get love outside yourself because you are love. WE must see that we have been selfish to the core in pursuit of love and how much pain we have brought on ourselves and others as a result of our deluded  thinking that we are separate and need to get love from someone or something else. IF we are to finally be able to see the truth of who we are, we need to let go of our addiction to specialness and special love (love that I can get for ME) and we need to face the painful realization that it doesn’t work. We must recognize we are always looking for Respect, positive feedback, admiration, praise, and love outside of ourselves because in our unconscious mind we believe that we are defective, evil, less then, a sinner, a loser, and a big piece of shit. If I'm looking for love outside myself I cannot see the truth that I am Love or I wouldn’t be trying so hard to get it.

The stronger the search for love outside of myself, the stronger the belief that I'm evil. If I'm longing for love that’s because I desperately want someone to reflect back to me how innocent I am because unconsciously I believe I'm an evil piece of shit. The amount that I believe I'm defective, deprived, mean, vicious, ugly and evil is proportionate to my desire for respect, and love outside of me. When we unconsciously believe we are evil we push this belief outside of ourselves and Blame others and shift the focus to the evil doers and project how we feel about ourselves onto others in an attempt to unload our unconscious guilt onto them so we can feel like the innocent one and then we look for someone to love us because I don’t have love so I need to find it in you in hopes you will reflect it back to me. We need constant reinforcement from other people because we don’t believe we are love and we don’t believe we are lovable. When you realize I'm not this separate Ego, I am not evil, I am love itself, you no longer have a desire to get it from anyone or anywhere else because it’s not there, this is an inside job!

“You are what you are, timelessly, but of what use is it to you unless you know it and act on it? Your begging bowl may be of pure gold, but as long as you do not know it, you are a pauper. You must know your inner worth and trust it and express it in the daily sacrifice of desire and fear." - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj 



Thursday, October 11, 2012

Self Knowledge: The Light of the Tiger part 9

To try to shift and change your world of experience is like trying to put lip stick on the mirror because you’ve projected the image onto the mirror and you want to fix it so you put lip stick on it. You need to go to the source of the experience which is your own knowledge and belief.  The realization is I know I am the light of Consciousness. My own consciousness right here right now, it’s already right here right now, not one that will come to me “someday”,  I’m already this consciousness that’s here now.  This consciousness, my consciousness that’s here now that’s what’s being talked about in all the books, my consciousness this applies to me. Now I know oh this Consciousness that I am. So we realize that we’ve been waiting all along, this mind is waiting someday I’ll get it, meanwhile the light is shining on the mind which is the world of experience. The world of experience (mind) is waiting for the someday that I’ll get it, because it believes that  it knows that’s it’s not there yet, so it experiences itself as not there yet meanwhile the light of consciousness is shining on the world of experience (mind) waiting for the mind to someday get it. The light is shining the whole time.  This is why nothing ever happened, I was shining all the time and I didn’t know it. When I realized this, I realized I have always been shinning and nothing ever happened it was all a projection of mind it was all a Dream.   Did anything ever happen in a dream? The light has always been shinning. I am the light of consciousness.  The world of experience is a projection of mind and is illusory. The seeking never happened, the suffering never happened, and the attaining never happened apart from the dream. The light has always been here and it’s all that’s ever been happening .This light of consciousness is what I am.  I know I am what’s shinning, my consciousness. It’s not about some other consciousness that’s going to come to me someday, I am this consciousness now. What your reading about is the consciousness that is your own consciousness know that this applies to you personally so you take what you’ve been reading and say This applies to me personally this is my consciousness that's already here now, it’s all that’s ever been happening. This light of consciousness that’s always been shinning out through your eyes, listening through your ears,  sensing through your body,   that’s the fundamental truth.  All that’s ever really happened is this light of consciousness that shinning on a projected dream world which is my own mind, this is why there’s no separation. There’s no separation in the light of consciousness there’s only one light of consciousness. There’s no separation in the relative world of experience because the relative world of experience has no independent existence from mind. As your looking into your world of experience looking at people places and things, you’re seeing your own mind, this is why there is no separation you can only know and experience your own mind you cannot experience anything apart from your own mind there is no separation and the relative world of experiences source is one because it’s all your own mind and its all the light shining through your own mind in and as you own mind, in three dimensional space and time all this is your own mind. There is no separation in the relative world of experience,  in the Absolute light of consciousness, or awareness. The consciousness and awareness is one and also the relative world of experience is one because it’s all mind. If you don’t get this you’re wasting your time, this is radical! If you do get this then you get everything,  this is all or none. This is what needs to be understood and to understand this you’ll understand everything that you ever read and everything will make perfect sense. You could take any tradition read it and understand it. Freedom is when the tiger can attack you and pounce on you but you know it’s not real, you know it’s all a projected world of mind             

Monday, October 8, 2012

Question what you believe you know - more pointers from Sri Sri Chimpanzee

All experience is mind. All experience is consciousness, every thought, every emotion, every sensation, every sight, every sound, it’s my own mind; it’s all my own consciousness which is a projection of knowledge and belief. The fundamental truth of what I am is the light of consciousness that’s shining on and  through the world of experience, shining through the mind. Now that I know that my mind and my world of experience is all based in knowledge and belief and projects what appears to be separate and therefore can be  referred to as illusory I know that I can let the world of experience be as it is. What do you need to do with the tiger in the dream when he’s attacking you? You know it’s a dream, you know it’s a projection of your own mind, so with every moment of experience you can know this is a projection of my own mind it’s a creation of my own mind. You have the power to either let it be or question what you believe you know. Because in order to experience the world you need to believe you know, so as you question what you believe you know your world of experience changes. That’s how to change your world of experience by going to the root which is questioning what you believe you know, not to try to change the world cause to try to change your world of experience is believe an assumption that the world is separate from yourself. You are looking into your own mind so if you don’t like what you see its time to go back and question what you believe you know.