Monday, May 5, 2014

Sri Sri chimpanzee on unconditional love

Our purpose is to be love, Why is there so much pain and suffering?
Why are there so many wars?
Why are there so many petty disagreements and arguments?
It's part of a learning process in-order to learn to be love.
When we identify with our ego self we live in a constant state of fear and almost everything feels like a threat to my separate personal existence.
I'm unable to love because I'm afraid, i'm even afraid of love. When I'm identified with unconditional love my separate ego self that's filled with fear is gone.
 Ego is so afraid of its own extinction that it won't accept unconditional love, but it will accept special love.
Egos special love is "you love me but you better not love anybody else" special love won't resolve fear because now I'm  afraid that you will love someone else. Only unconditional love will resolve fear. We need to learn to stop being afraid of losing the fear and learn to love the fear until it dissolves. Darkness cannot exist in the presence of light. The purpose for every thought,emotion,sensation, every action and every behavior, without exception has one purpose, And that is to recognize that I am unconditional love. Every experience is an opportunity to be the love that I am. It's like two radio stations, one station called unconditional love puts you in a perfect state of peace when you listen to that music and the other station puts you into a constant state of fear.  Its our purpose to tune into unconditional love as often as possible. How do we do that? I need  to accept myself, forgive myself, love myself and to know myself as the love of God as frequently as possible ( to know myself in this way also means to know others as the same because there is only the one) Start to use any suffering as a learning opportunity  and use it in a constructive way. It's either I complain about it which will bring me into the frequency of fear or I can be thankful for it because I'm learning a lesson and give it a constructive purpose that brings me to the frequency of love. If I'm not in the state of unconditional love I need to love the state that I'm in and except where I am and let it be as it is without judgment or condemnation. This is how you transcend a frequency of fear into frequency of unconditional love. 

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