Thursday, March 1, 2012

a position of neutrality

Not long ago I was experiencing immense suffering. I was obsessing about my problems and why this was happening to me. I could have… I should have… if only this…  if only that… and what if. I couldn't sleep, I wasn't eating, My work was affected and my mind was dedicated to thinking about how bad my life sucked and how depressed I was. The whole time this was going on unbeknown to me there was this peace hidden... buried underneath all this oppressive thinking. Situations don't have to change to experience this peace it isn't dependent upon people places or things. It is ever present. What is so freeing is to know that attention can be placed on the stories that play in the head and I can take them to be real and get right in the shit and suffer like a bastard or This distance can be created, the stories play and I know they aren't about me. I am the peace that listens to the stories laughs and says  that was great! tell me another one! 

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