Monday, February 18, 2013


The most loving thing you can do for yourself when you feel like a big bag of crap is to realize you don't have to change it, fix it or to apologize for it. Its the human experience to fuck up and to feel like shit. Its also the nature of mind and ego to blow things way out of proportion and convince yourself how terrible you are, how alone, and that you will never really get to where you should be. The truth is you are always exactly where your supposed to be. No one can separate themselves from any part of life, for we are that. The good news is to be human is also to experience the most amazing love, where you are accepted, valued, appreciated, and adored for simply being what you are; a perfectly imperfect expression of life. 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

May cause miracles day 5

"I forgive myself for choosing fear. today I choose love instead."
I have learned from a course in miracles that I give everything all the meaning
that it has for me. I know that I can view the world through the lens of fear or love, the choice is mine. I must make the choice for love constantly, and when I forget I forgive myself and get back to love. I Heard it said that there is no way to happiness, happiness is the way. so how do we experience love, peace, and happiness? We realize that we are already that and only our false beliefs are blocking us from seeing the truth of what we are. So we don't become anything that we ar'nt already we just start seeing that we must make the decision over and over again for being love.

Friday, January 11, 2013

MCM day :4

"gratitude is the attitude"

Thank you I have so much to be grateful for and I feel so blessed.
The ability to know that peace and joy are choices that I can make is such a gift.
Today I struggled a little, but I travel much lighter knowing that just because I think or feel a certain way doesn't make it true.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

May Cause Miracles: Day 3

"Love did not create this"

today's practice produced more shifts in how I view the world, more and more I am moving from I am a victim of the world to I am the creator of the world. I had fears come up and instead of reacting to them and saying poor me I Begin to see that I put them there and The situation I was fearful about was only an idea, an idea that could be look at another way, with love.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

May cause Miracles: day 2

Day two "I am willing to see this differently
                 "I am willing to see Love"

This is an amazing practice to continue to remember this truth, because The world comes from our thoughts. Mind is the cause and the world of experience is the effect and most of this have had this ass backwards all our life, we try to change our world of experience thinking this will bring peace to our mind. When I Practice this I see more and more in my daily experience that I can choose peace rather then the dis - ease that I am currently experiencing.

Monday, January 7, 2013

May Cause Miracles Day one

 "I am willing to witness my fear" was very powerful exercise I was more focused than ever on how I chose fear and what that looks like.  When you’re not watching for it,  it can sneak up on you. The acronym for fear is "false events appearing real" so when fear crops up I ask myself what’s the false story that I believe to be true? The course is clear that "nothing real can be threatened" so when I'm afraid I'm in an illusionary would of my own making. The evening exercise had me look at the fact that My selfishness triggers my fear and all my fears are self - centered I.e.: losing what I have, Not getting what I want, or fear of what others think of me. My fear can only apply to you if it somehow affects me. When I'm afraid I forget that there is this peace inside that is always there, But it gets covered over with all the lies I start telling myself about the world I have created. Fear can also be "fuck everything and run." I run from the peace that is my natural state and I look for comfort in people places and things that can never really give it to me. After doing the meditation I reflected on how fearful I am about the judgments of others but was reminded that no matter what your perception of me is or my perception of you is it will never come close to the absolute perfection that is beyond what we could ever conceive of. No one can really Judge you because they don’t even have a clue who they are and all they are doing is projecting this ignorance onto others. The truth is there is no others outside of what your mind has decided there are.