Monday, July 23, 2012

Part II

  This message discerns between what is real and what is unreal, what is true and what is False. The truth is Awareness is here and now. I am here and now. No past, no future. No Family, no job, no money, no house, no car, no space, no time, no me, no you, no us, no them, no good, no bad, no Happy, no sad, no nothing. So the truth about who we are is there is awareness here now. If I ask you how you are the only true statement you can make about yourself is I am aware here now, anything else is not true.  I am aware here now is the truth. Don’t tell me about your suffering because that’s not the truth and don’t try to be free of your suffering because that’s not the truth. Don’t ask about enlightenment because that’s not the truth the only truth is I am aware here now, everything else is illusion. Everything that occurs in space to a specific identity is not true. Awareness is here now, I am that awareness. How can anything be wrong with being aware here now?  In order to have a problem I have to go into the illusion, I have to become Stephen. I have to have relationships, I have to pay the rent, I have to take care of my car, I have to do all this stuff and become a separate person in space and time to have problems. I have to identify myself with the illusion of space and time in order to have a problem. I cannot solve my problem by trying to fix my family. I can’t solve my problem by trying to fix my car I can’t solve my problem by trying to fix my body or by getting a job and making money. I can’t solve my problem by curing my cancer. I can’t solve my problem by fixing all my relationships, because Stephen is in the illusion of space, time, me, you, us, them, duality, separation, past, present and future. The truth is I am aware here now, so what’s wrong here now? Without any reference to the past, no references to the future, not even a reference to being here now in in my house. No space no time... so what’s your fucking problem? Right now what’s your fucking problem?    Right here right now nobody has a fucking problem!!  The mistake we make is assuming that we can be happy, have the peace of our true nature and have the peace of being by resolving our problems in space and time by resolving the problems of the individual, IT WONT FUCKING WORK!! Your life sucks and then you die as the individual. Life sucks and then you die. GET OVER IT!! You’re not going to fix yourself, your life sucks. This body sucks! It’s going to get sick and die! People are going to love you, and they are going to hate you, then maybe they will start to love you again, get over it!! The beauty of the teaching of knowing your true identity is that it explains very directly what is true about you and what is not true.  The teaching says that the so called path to freedom is the realization that I’m not Stephen. It’s the realization that Stephen sucks and then he dies. Don’t try to fix yourself it isn’t going to fuckin work it will never fuckin work, the individual sucks and then he dies. There is nothing for you to get. You don't have a chance. Because as soon as you say I am so and so, your fucked!! The Peace comes with the absence of so and so. I am aware right here right now. Pay no attention to the object of awareness like your mental state or your emotional state or your physical state its not going to work to try to change these states . To change anything in the world of the individual wont work because the individuals life sucks and then he dies.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Shit Stephen said Part 1

Everything your thinking or feeling, all your mind stories, everything your experiencing, anything that occurs in space and time, anything that has to do with an individual me, my job, my family, my house etc… is not true. The truth is right here right now, I am! Awareness is. There is awareness here now.Don’t say anything, don’t ask questions about the past or about the future. Here I am without any reference to space and time, without any reference to an individual identity. Drop all thoughts, drop all definitions and Drop all descriptions of who you are .Drop all descriptions of your mental state. Drop all descriptions of your emotional state. Drop all descriptions of your physical state, and Drop all ideas about being in a particular place. Forget about space, time and identity because none of it is true! The truth is awareness is here and now, I am aware here and now. You have no problems!     

Monday, July 2, 2012

One hand to hold

"Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God."- A Course In Miracles.

When I feel threatened its because I'm believing I'm an illusion, I believe I'm something that is'nt real.
Only when I'm grounded in the Truth about myself do I experience the peace of God.
The Miracle is the choice to see the truth and not to buy into the false belief system again.
Radical Forgivness is knowing that you made up the threat to reinforce your illusion of guilt and sin. This type of forgiveness is the way to the miracle.
The you that is unreal can never experience the peace of god. Ego is the case of mistaken identity. Choose once again for what is real, do it over and over and over untill its time to come home to where you never left.